Friday, April 19, 2013

Andrfe Rickerson Reflection

I gained from this class how to use PowerPoint, Excel, and word. I’m proficient at using these programs now due to Digital Apps. The projects that we did made me focus on a different program every week. I liked that about the class because it wasn’t the same thing every week. I took away how you can express yourself through a video of pictures and some music. I find it cool that we did that story telling project because I would do it again but a different topic. I think making that flyer was also really cool because I showed people that I could make a Nichols College football team flyer. It wasn't that hard to do but it was also difficult at one time. I know I may not need to know how to make a flyer in my future job but at least I can say I made one before. I can also put that on my resume and say I am proficient in making flyers. Another reason why I enjoyed this class is that I finally found out what and how to do a blog. I would always here about blogs this, blogs that but I never really found out what they were. I like doing blogs because you can express your feelings and type anything you want really. I love how they give me topics each week to discuss about because they all are interesting to talk about. In the end, I enjoyed this class and I will definitely recommend this class to incoming freshmen because it gives you the information you need to at least get the hang of computers and its basic programs.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Best soccer player in the world

Messi is the best in the world of soccer

Hello this is my first time using blogger.


Hey There!


hey there!



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