Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Philippines

One of the dream places I would love to go to is the Philippines. This is for so many reasons. For one, my girlfriend was born in the Philippines and is very strongly tied to her heritage, and she loves to visit the place where she grew up. She has told me so much of this beautiful and awesome place, and this makes me want to see it so bad with her. There is amazing food there, such as lechon, Filipino adobo that is so flavorful, and oxtail that is so good and fun to eat. To get the food one can walk the streets in the city of Isabella or Manila. It is so much like New York, with small shops and vendors that have so many different and amazing foods, and some, like balut which is half born chicken egg, that are beyond bizarre. Besides going to the city for food, her family’s home would also be open for dinner and other meals. As she has bragged about many times, her grandmother and uncle make such tasty food. Of course it’s not all about the food. You can’t forget the family side of this. Being Filipino, they love family and getting together with people. They get together, drink laugh and enjoy eachothers’ company till late in the night, and then it’s back to the fields when the sun rises. I can’t wait for all of this food, fun, and family for an entire month with her and her family.  To be able to get up enough money for this trip should not be very difficult, and we have already fig
ured it out, (because we are planning to go next summer) that it will only cost two thousand dollars for everything. This is fifteen hundred for round trip tickets, (give or take a few hundred) and a few hundred for spending money. This is all that is needed for spending money for a whole month because of the currency rate of exchange which is very far apart. Also nothing is needed for anywhere to live for the month because we have someone on the inside. Her family has many open rooms in their houses and we can use them when we come to visit. Family always takes care of family. This is where, why, and how I plan on going on vacation in the next year and a half.

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