Thursday, February 28, 2013

Blog # 3

Here I will show some tips on how to grow a plant. The first thing you want to do is make sure that you have good soil full of nutrients. When you plant the seed, make sure that there is only about 1/4 of an inch of soil above it. Now make sure that you have food and water for your plant, these are living things too, just like humans. Next, make sure that there is no weeds in  your soil. "Weeds rob your seedlings of nutrients and water, and make them look bad". Next, when the seedling just sprouts, make sure the soil is always moist, this is one of the most important times in the plants life. Once it grows, make sure you remove the dead leaves or flower buds, to make room for new ones. Once it is a grown plant, consider planting a couple seeds around it, to support it, and the roots will entangle and basically become one strong plant. If you cannot grow a plant from the seed, you might just want to adopt a plant when it is already fully grown, and take care of it from there. If a plant grows too big for its pot it sit in, you might want to consider putting it in a bigger space so it can grow to its fullest capacity. Last but not least, don't forget to photograph and show off your plant to your friends and family! If you still have trouble growing plants, you might want to go to your local garden center and ask for professional help, and let them show you how to get a "green thumb". There is some people who just have a natural talent for growing plants, but there is no one who cannot do it, all it takes is some effort. My grandparents own a flower shop so I have been around growing flowers for basically my whole life. I have known these tips from a young age and it almost comes like second nature to me. I think everyone should give growing some kind of plant a try sometime.

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