Monday, February 18, 2013

Review on "The Wealthy Barber" by David Chilton

Everyone these days strive to become financially independent, but most people have no idea how to achieve that goal.  The book “The Wealthy Barber” by DavidChilton explains to you in a funny manner how to put yourself into a good financial status.  I know when I am older I want to be wealthy and not worry about money.  David Chilton uses a barber as the smart guy who knows the ways to become financially independent.  It is so hard to make investing and money circumstances interesting and funny, but Chilton accomplishes that.  I recommend everyone to this book and everyone should read it who wants to have an idea to know what to do with their money.  95% of people today retire broke and Chilton is trying to make that percent decrease by offering valuable information throughout the book.  The Wealthy Barber teaches you how to invest, where to invest, mortgage, and anything else to do with money.  I read the book in two days because it is such an easy read and I was anxious to learn everything I could about money.  I know when I’m ready to retire I won’t have to worry about money because I started at a young age.  Starting at a young age is such a key part to investing because of the rule of 72.  I’m sure not a lot of people know the rule of 72, but thanks to The Wealthy Barber and my job I now know what it means.  Chilton uses three characters to take a spin of three different money instances.  It really helps the reader get a great understanding of where he is coming from and shows exactly how you can invest and where you can invest.  Reading this book has excelled me in my job because I work with people’s money and I’m glad that I read it.  The Wealthy Barber really gives you an understanding of what you need to do with your money right now.  Don’t wait to invest always pay yourself first.  If anyone is interested in reading the book I can lend it to you if you would like. 

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