Sunday, March 3, 2013

Tip on good frist impression

My tip is on how to give a good first impression in  any atmosphere such as meeting your boss for the first time or a group a people. One of the easy things to do is dress appropriately for the situation. This goes from clothing to appearance for the occasion. These are example for a business atmosphere. You want to have proper  attire  such as a collard shirt, shirt and tie  and  for women a proper dress. For men it’s important to avoid flashy jewelry and keep it basic such as a gold watch. Women should tone down the make up and keep jewelry simple.  I think another important factor is body language. It is important to get a firm hand shake with whom ever you meet.  I believe it is important to have a good posture as it can show you have great confidence in your self.   It is also  necessary to watch you hand movements, it looks better to use hand motions as less as possible. The most crucial is the eye contact, it shows the other person that you are engaged with the conversation.  A great thing to have is an upbeat attitude  when talking to others. People will be more willing to talk to rather than a person who is a grouch and stimulate conversation. If your having a bad or just in a crappy mood do stuff that will make you happy before you go anywhere that could help you get out of that mood.  Also besides being upbeat just be confident in yourself. Don’t just sit there and be the odd one. Try talking and engage in conversations even if you don’t know much about the subject. Ask questions to show that you care in what they are saying.  These are just of my tips on how you can help yourself in giving that first impression. Most of the time people just remember that first time more than any other one.


  1. I also believe that making a good first impression is so important in life. Any time you are trying to get a job somewhere, it is all about how come present yourself the first time that you meet your boss. For myself I always try to look presentable and I try and say the right things that he or she may be looking for. I agree that making good eye contact is a big key. If you just stare down at the ground or look off to the side, you might not be making a good first impression. I think that these tips are very helpful and if you can follow them, you should be able to make a good first impression with anyone that you may meet along the way.

  2. A good impression is key in the business world. First i do agree with you on being prepared and being dressed for the important first impression. Your first impression can clearly defines how you do in a meeting or interview. There are the basics of a firm handshake and a bright smile that are important. I like your point of over flashing your items. I personally don't wear expensive jewelry because it in a way shows arrogance. Also another good point in women needs to calm down on the makeup. It can send mixed messages and look bad app on. I also like your point of eye contact. Making good eye contact can show the person that you are not self-judgmental. Being social at any moment is good. It shows that you care and you’re not afraid to get out of your comfort zone. I don’t really believe that people highly remember the first time they met you. I do believe that you overall stance as a person can be remembered and first impression a mere part of that.
